Unlock a world of wellness with our G3M membership. Enjoy access to a range of exclusive benefits, including health and wellness consultations, monthly massages, online fitness resources, and engaging Community events. Join our membership program and prioritize your health and well-being today.
Earn 10 Gems for every session booked. Whether you're scheduling a massage therapy session or a wellness consultation, each booking earns you points towards exclusive rewards.
For every dollar spent on products, earn 1 Gem. From skincare essentials to wellness supplements, every purchase brings you closer to unlocking exciting rewards.
Enjoy the benefits of membership and earn 75 Gems upon signup. Elevate your wellness journey with access to exclusive perks and discounts.
Spread the word about G3M Therapy and Wellness and earn 50 Gems for each friend referred. Share the gift of holistic wellness and reap the rewards together.
Redeem 10 Gems for a 10% discount on your next product purchase. Treat yourself to premium skincare and wellness essentials at a special discounted rate.
Use 10 Gems to enjoy a 10% discount on your next booking. Whether it's a massage therapy session or a guided meditation class, save on your favorite wellness services.
Redeem 50 Gems for a $25 discount on your fifth service. As a loyal customer, enjoy savings on your next wellness experience as our token of appreciation.
Give us a call
(301) 909-8408Send us an email
[email protected]Have questions or ready to start your wellness journey? Fill out the form below and one of our friendly team members will get back to you shortly.